i am loup
I have this app on my ipod touch ... iTv ... if you visit you can use it with your web browser.

If you are out and about and aren't sure of the channel lineup at the new spot - just put in the zip code and a list of channels and what is on and coming up will appear.

Also - handy for those of us who travel with tivo, netflix, and such. Many goodies on this app / site. Hide channels you don't like, record something coming up on your tivo, put a movie in your netflix queue. Find a theater in your current area or list your favorite ones in your "home" area.

I am digging it quite a bit. Very handy indeed. I usually forget a show or film name by the time I get some place to remember it * @(>?! fibro* but with this app / tool ... it makes it so much easier.


Well-known member
Coming Soon to YOUR PC

I looked at the ITV site, and thought "Wouldn't this be grat if it was availible to all RV'ers with an internet connected computer?"
Well, I found this in the ITV FAQ's:

"Is i.TV only for the iPhone? Are there any plans to expand the service to other platforms?
Currently, i.TV is only for iPhone and iPod touch. We have no plans to make the service available on other mobile devices at this time. We do, however, have plans to provide i.TV functionality on our website: (For details and latest availability, sign up for our email newsletter to receive i.TV announcements and news.)"


i am loup
That is very cool. I didn't realize that it WASN'T available by browser alone. Glad to know it will be soon!!