Critters in basement


Well-known member
Hi everyone, we seem to have critters in our basement. They have gathered insulation and some white material that looks like some sort of insulation and are trying to make a nest, I assume they are small squirrels or chipmunks---any suggestions on how to get rid of them while we still have some insulation left??


Well-known member
Go to health food store and get a bottle of oil of peppermint. Put on cotton balls or piece of cloth. It doesn't take much. But you have to find out where they are coming and fix the holes. I had some mice same nest building witht the insulation and etc.


Past Arkansas Chapter Leaders
Don't forget that when you have gotten rid of the critters that you cover the hole that is in the UDC compartment which allows the water and cable access into the coach, by useing a foam piece cut to fit yet makeing the needed holes for the supply lines. This should keep them from crawling up the hose/cable!