Tank Monitor


Well-known member
Our tank monitor doesn't read very well(other words are appropriate) and we decided that it probably wasn't set at the factory when installed. How do we adjust the tank monitor to read correctly? From a previous trailer we think the tanks need to be full and then you set the monitor to read full for everything. We can't find anyway to do this. Does anyone know????



Well-known member
The meter is just 4 metal studs, screwed through the tank at 4 different levels, as soon as any debris collects on the sensors there can be conductivity between them and this gives you faulty readings.

There is no adjustment in the levels and readings unless you install new after-market sensors.


Well-known member
Tom, I agree with Allen, if you want true readings go aftermarket. I have found in ALL my past and present RV's only the fresh water level probes work. Once you get debris (i.e. wet toilet paper) across the (capacitance type) probes they tell you your tank is full and it isn't. All RV OEM's use the same brand and same junk. Great selling feature for newbies, but junk just the same. There are more expensive probes that work but no OEM RV maker will put them in for cost reasons. Then ya hear all the BS tales, put ice in on the trip home, use baking soda in the tank, fill your tsanks halfway with freash water, try brand so and so to clean... It's all BS and none of the fixes work except installing aftermarket quality probes. You may as well hold hands under a tree and have a thought trance... If you want accuracy buy and install expensive aftermarket replacement probes. What I do is use experience. Dry camping, I know we can go 2 weeks on the black and more on the grey tanks. Why not go until you max out (you'll know for sure) and then empty, then use this as a guide for your limits. JMO Tom


Prolifically Gabby Member
Yep, when the toilet burps and you start worrying about Asian Carp, it's time to dump. When the wife complains the kitchen sinks ain't draining, time to dump. And if the water in the shower is flowing out under the door, you've waited too long to dump.


Well-known member
Our last trailer(10 years ago) had external sensors. Didn't realize the newer trailers still would use the internal sensors. Via experimentation we have determined we can go at least a week without dumping the black. Can go the same with the water if we are very careful. If we ever have to drop the basement cover we will probably switch sensors.


Prolifically Gabby Member
For the concern about putting a better system in the HL rigs, if the See-Level system works as advertised, installing it OEM adds less than $500 to the MSRP. Maybe time for HL to do some R&D and check it out.


Well-known member
At least offer it as an option, as they should other items. I do understand that these are not custom rigs, hence the lower price but items that are difficult to add after being built would be nice to have as an option..