Weight Loss Program Even Hollywood Doesn't Know About


Prolifically Gabby Member
It's so simple to lose a couple of pounds in a single day. Just go out and spend four hours at a working house fire in 90+ degree heat. Climb a ladder, drag a hose, pull some drywall, (repeat) and then pick up all the gear. I managed to lose 2 of the 5 pounds I gained the past couple of weeks at Camp Gotchurwallet.


Well-known member
Thanks for your service to others.
I go on daily bike rides 30-40 miles with biking clubs most every morning. Weights before and after, show about a 4 lb weight loss daily, but then I catch up on the eating and hydration, and am pretty much back even again. I carry 6 sweatbands on hot days with me. I get in about 3 hours of "wheel time" (we usually have a mid ride break) at apace average of about 12 MPH. My cardio is definirtely more healthy now. Resting heart rate with a weight in the 260's can be in the mid 50's.