Happy Camper?


Well-known member
For a couple of years now, I have occasionally seen threads about campers that were not happy. So just what does it take to make you a happy camper? I will start by saying we enjoy the casual, albeit brief, contacts with folks you meet while walking through the campsite "neighborhood"; where they are from, their rig stories, where they're going. Also, you just can't beat a good cup of coffee in the cool, crisp, morning air, sitting in front of the rig as you watch the day begin to unfold. Living the dream.


Well-known member
Everything that you stated along with zero problems getting to and from your destination and having everything in the RV running smoothly. My hubby would add that finding all 3 satellites would be perfect too...LOL.


Well-known member
How bout thoes RAM diesels that fire up at dawn and idle for 30 minutes. Sounds like the pistons are swapping holes. :)


Prolifically Gabby Member
Just being able to get up to the CG and spend a couple of weeks or more at the rig. Good boating weather. Having something to tinker with on the rig without involving a major repair. Having nothing on the rig to fix or do and just kicking back and living large.

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Well-known member
We're happy campers when the scenery is nice, there's a golf course, a bike path, a place to walk, and the freedom to do what we want, when we want, where we want. We're even happier campers when there's a great Heartland Rally where we get to spend time with this great family of Heartland owners.


Well-known member
No hustle, no bustle. Birds louder than anything else. Free coffee. Food that's bad for me. What's to be unhappy about?