Should have checked our drawers


Well-known member
We brought our new BH 3570 home yesterday,thought we looked it over pretty good in the PDI. Today when we were filling it up 4 of the kitchen drawer bottoms fell out. The staples missed on some and some were never nailed on the front edge. So when you do a PDI open all the drawers and push down.
I remember a brochure showing a drawer holding a cement block, mine wouldn't hold a plate .
My drawers have no bottoms


Unbelievably Blessed!
Great thread title!

I had to repair and strengthen some drawer bottoms on the Cyclone a couple of times...DW was loading entirely too much in them. The cinder blocks used to illustrate the drawer strength is definitely for the hinges! They have steel ball rollers in them - very nice!


Well-known member
Looks like even "old world craftsmen" must have the occasional bad day.

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Well-known member
My pre-delivery inspection for my 3570RS is tomorrow morning ... I'll be sure to check all those drawer bottoms plus the door hinges!


Bonding with your unit can make for tales at the campfire. My old Springdale drawers would never stay closed on the road. For the first few weeks we could not account for missing silverware, until I spotted it way back on the floor, behind the drawers, under the sink.
Made me appreciate the cabinetry in this Bighorn!
- new rookie Heartland owner


Well-known member
We brought our new BH 3570 home yesterday,thought we looked it over pretty good in the PDI. Today when we were filling it up 4 of the kitchen drawer bottoms fell out. The staples missed on some and some were never nailed on the front edge. So when you do a PDI open all the drawers and push down.
I remember a brochure showing a drawer holding a cement block, mine wouldn't hold a plate .
My drawers have no bottoms
In our BH I beefed up all our drawers by using strips of 1 by 2 wood and stapled it in evenly spaced underneath the drawers. Problem solved!