Are you using the HOP??


I do this every so often. I like to remind the old timers and let the newbies know that if you're interested in seeing others you might check out the HOP. Go to Tools at the top menu bar and click on HOP - Heartland Owners Position. This show a lot of the Heartland owners and where they say they are, however many of us forget about this and don't update it for a few days, week or years.

If you haven't seen it or updated your HOP give it a try. From what I can see it has been improved. The information declaration comes up on the side with a red flash to get your attention and it gives you a hot link to the persons profile. There you can send a private message to let them know you're near by or going to be passing through their location.

It is easy to setup. There is quite a few in the HOP now. It shows 729.. If you have any questions post them here and see if we can get you all at the HOP...
