What a night!! What would you do?


We are staying in between Galveston and Houston right now and last night there was a 12 hour stretch of tornado watch. DH was working and they had everyone staying in "bunkers", over 600 people, out of the weather. When things got really bad, 50-60mph winds with horizontal rain and thunder/lightning, I took off and spent some time in the community room. I felt a little safer in the stick and brick structure than I did in our rig. I didn't have a vehicle to get out of there completely and if a tornado had occurred I think I would have gone into the bathroom, smaller floor space, walls, heavy door, no window. The wind shifted our fifth wheel and DH had to adjust the legs this morning.

Do you have it planned out when you hit an RV park? Where would you go or would you remain in your RV??

Uncle Rog

Well-known member
That is a tough question, my first instinct would be to plan my "spring trips" some where in the South West, no tornados. My next best guess would be to drop the rig and be ready to head out in the opposite direction of an incoming cell. I have never been around a twister, give me an earthquake any time!


Active Member
Your plan is as good as any. Trying to outdrive a massive storm is a bad idea as the block commnity building is safer than your vehicle. We are in San Antonio and the storm was just east of us. (Massive looking lighting)
Type in tornado safety and loof for the noaa tornado safety rules.

Delaine and Lindy

Well-known member
The first thing to do is, if you haven't gotten one go buy a NOAA radio. It could possibility save your life. As for were you should go most bath houses are block that would be about the safest place in a RV park. But as said before get out of the RV. We have the NOAA radio and it can be programed for 5 surrounding countys. It has a Battery back up. Also never to to out run a Tornado. We here in Tennesse just last week went thru a massive storms and lose of life a lots of property damage. Good Luck... GBY.....


Well-known member
IF you have time, bring in the slides. Less frontal area for winds to hit. We did that once or twice in Amarillo during severe thunderstorms.