How many RVers to change a light bulb?

First let me say we luv luv luv our 3670RL more than any of the 5 other RV's that we have owned. Bighorn has met ALL our needs. But we have a really silly little problem. Our unit came with a light bulb burnt out over the desk area. And for the life of us we can't figure out how to remove it. We've taken turns tugging on it but to no avail. Is there something we don't know? Or need to know? We thought maybe when it blew it may have fused to the socket...but we tried removing the good one on the other side and found it too would not budge.
I dumb are we? Can anyone help us out? :confused:


Can you tell us which type of lights are above your desk?

On my Augusta, it's a fluorescent light... But there area also a couple of different types of halogen lights in the coach as well.



Well-known member
If they are the round, recessed light with the flat frosted glass lens about 3" in diameter, the lens twists off in a counter clockwise direction and they use a 10 watt halogen bulb, available at Walmart for $4.++. I buy mine on e-bay in packs of 10 for about $10 including shipping. Those lenses are a pain to get off sometimes.



Well-known member
We use our halogens a lot, and have had to replace only 3 or 4 in almost 2 years. Like John said, the lenses can be a challenge to turn.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
If it's not halogen but just a plain old 12V bulb number 921 like mine, I just removed mine by pulling and rocking it side to side and it came out OK. You may have a contact wire bent and hanging up on something. I don't think there's any way to damage anything if you pull too hard. You might want to wear some leather gloves to get a good grip.


Retired Oregon HOC
I'm disappointed! I thought someone would say, "It takes one to change it, two to give advice, three to organize the party, and the whole campground to cheer them on!" At least that is what it seems like whenever we have seen any kind of project started. :D:D



I got a different count,,,

2 people to drive to Wally world for the replacement (driving alone can be boring)
1 person to pump the gas because DW forgot to when she took the truck out last
4 people to find the right person to direct you to the proper lightbulb
1 person to cashier
7 people to point out you should have caught that in the PDI
1 person to complain on that Heartland builds a bad product with faulty lights
19 people to say Their brand would never have a burned out lightbulb
42 HL owners piping in that Their rig is perfect and would never have such a problem
3 to organize the party
2 to bring the chips and dip
2 to give advice
1 to do the grunt work

sooooo,,, 85


I got a different count,,,

2 people to drive to Wally world for the replacement (driving alone can be boring)
1 person to pump the gas because DW forgot to when she took the truck out last
4 people to find the right person to direct you to the proper lightbulb
1 person to cashier
7 people to point out you should have caught that in the PDI
1 person to complain on that Heartland builds a bad product with faulty lights
19 people to say Their brand would never have a burned out lightbulb
42 HL owners piping in that Their rig is perfect and would never have such a problem
3 to organize the party
2 to bring the chips and dip
2 to give advice
1 to do the grunt work

sooooo,,, 85

Who furnished the drinks? Can't have a party without drinks.
I know, JimB, he is the one that got us all together here.



Retired Oregon HOC
Wow! You guys have obviously been doing this a lot longer than we have! We have less than a year's experience, so I bow to your greater knowledge.

PS Who lights the campfire and goes to get more chairs?
okay, okay, I get it! Many thanx for the fun answers.None
But, I guess I just took it for granted that someone with a 2008 3670RL Bighorn would have the same lights as we do. I talked to a buddy on MSN who owns a different brand of 5th wheel...won't mention it here lest the Bighorn gremlins get angry.. and wreak more havoc on us. I used my computer camera to show him the offending light, as it is right over my laptop...and he explained that it indeed is a halogen light and as such must never never be touched by human hands as the oil from our greasy mitts will create hot spots and will cause the bulb to blow...fancy that? He also 'splained that I must somehow removed the bulb and the rectangular plastic socket that encases the business end of bulb. Haven't done that yet, 'cause when I started wiggling it to show him just how tough it was to get out...the darn light lit up... so for now I won't try to fix wot ain't broke.
Thanks all...


Well-known member
Speaking of light bulbs- I'm not at the RV but need to order a few of the spot light bulbs.
Does someone have the number handy? and where can I order them?

thanks in advance,


Well-known member

Not sure what light you mean. Can you give us more guidance as to the location of this "spot light".

My '05 Landmark had a track light with 2 spots on it. Here's a link to the bulbs it took.