US Passport versus Passport Card


If we plan to drive to Canada do we need a Passport or will a Passport Card work just as well for us? Has anyone had any problems with bring dogs into Canada?


Well-known member
We just used our cards to go to Toronto for a reunion, but I don't know what is required if you go further into the interior. Don't know about dogs.


Well-known member
We have the passport cards and never have any problems, as mater of fact the cards have chips in them so they know who you are when you pull up to the gate. Just have all your papers for your animals and there is no problem, usually they don't even ask us for papers, but maybe they already have records.


Staff member
Passport Card will work fine.
Dogs must have current shots. I'm not sure, but I think Rabies is the only one required.
You will find some useful tips at this link [LINK]



Pennsylvania Chapter Leaders-retired
Passport cards are adequate for ground travel but if (and let's hope not) you fall ill and need airlifted out of the country back home you need a passport.

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Mississippi Chapter Leaders
Passport cards are adequate for ground travel but if (and let's hope not) you fall ill and need airlifted out of the country back home you need a passport.

As a postmaster in an office that accepts passport applications, I advise every applicant to get the passport book and not just the card for that very reason. Cost is a little more but if ever needed you will be glad you had the book.