22fbs How do I remove the table?


I have a new 2014 22fbs North Trail trailer and I can't get remove the table - This is something my dealer didn't show me when we picked it up. Can anyone tell me how it is done? I have tried pulling it straight up, but don't want to use more force unless i know that is how it is done. Thanks!


Well-known member
Hi bbells,

Welcome to the posting side of forum life. I'm sure another North Trail 22fbs owner can tell you how to remove the table.


Active Member
Hi bbells, do you have the dinette or the free standing table and chairs in your NT?


Should just have to pull up on the table, then the posts will be free as well. Surely they didn't throw a screw in the post right?


It is the dinette with a 2 legged table. I wish I knew if they screwed it in. It is in there pretty tight so I don't want to yank it much harder without knowing if there is some kind of release. I know it must be removable since they included a piece to make the area into a bed. Thanks for your help!

Sorry I didn't respond quicker. i wasn't notified that there were any responses.

Hi bbells, do you have the dinette or the free standing table and chairs in your NT?


Active Member
As zombiejeep stated, you should be able to just pull up on the dinette table. DH and I take one end of the table top and kinda knock up on the table top bottom until it releases from the posts. We then pull the posts from their floor mount. It is a tight fit. Hope this helps. PM us if you need any more infor.