How about a Landmark with a Garage???


Past Heartland Ambassador
Is anyone else interested in a Landmark with a garage, just large enough to carry a Smart car?

We fulltime and fuel has become an issue...obviously...would like to get a smart car, but definitely don't want to double tow or change to a HDT to carry the car. In addition, although very nice, we are not the "rally type" so a Cyclone just doesn't appeal to us...way too "nascar" in look.

What we're looking for is something along the lines of the Escalade Sportster.... Very classy like the Landmark...yet extremely functional too. Really like that glazed maple too!

How about it...anyone else interested...if so maybe we can get Heartland to design their own upscale toyhauler!!!:)


Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
Ken and Kathy,
Not sure if you knew it or not, someone else (jpmorgan) has also started a thread with the same idea. Many people chimed in. I think it is a great idea. Linda and I would like to maybe bring a golf cart with us----someday ---and a Landmark with a rear garage would be ideal as long as we could continue to have a nice interior. Would also like to have the loft overhead for the kids and other storage.



Well-known member
:eek: Better get on it Heartland, she is like a cocked gun and ready to go off, you need to be there when she pulls the trigger! and she WILL pull the trigger ! :) :D :p


Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
Hey Deanna, where you at in Ohio?

We are starting an Ohio chapter of the Heartland Owners and will try to put on a small rally of sorts.



Past Heartland Ambassador
Very funny know me soooo well!! LOL

Mark...where is that other thread, checked JPMorgan's threads...can't find it?


Just an Old Jarhead
Ever since Elizabeth and I toured HT's and Lance's Cyclones, we remarked on how plush and upscale they were. We have been rethinking our decision to upgrade to a Landmark before we retire. She has done some research and all of the cars that she has been looking at, Mini-Cooper, MG Midget, Mazda Miata, etc., are a bit over 12' long. I know the Smart Car would fit in a 12' garage, but not everyone is interested in a Smart Car. So a 14' garage would have to be an option. A Landmark with a 14' garage would be the perfect fit for us, and from talking to others at the Rally, I think it would be appealing to many more than just the 3 of us that have posted here.
Fred (the mellower, calmer version)


I have to say I was really blown away by the Cyclones at the rally, thank you for the tours HT, Lance and Gayle! They were both beautiful and far more deluxe than I had imagined,,, I guess I always thought they would be rather spartan inside.

As has been mentioned, a lot more people might be interested if they were not built for a toyhauler so much as for a second, small car. Many of us love the idea of the Cyclones but really don't need to sleep more than two people although I do like the idea of keeping the slide down beds in the rear. One would be enough though. I will probably draw up a schematic of my perfect "carhauler" in the next day or two and post it later.

My take on the exterior graphics of the Cyclone, Big Country/Bighorn and Landmark are as follows:

1. The Cyclone graphics depict speed, racing and fun.
2. The Big Country/ BigHorn graphics depict movement and enjoyment of the outdoors within a comfortable setting.
3. The Landmark graphics depict luxury, movement and comfort.

I think a lot of us thinking about moving towards the Landmark but wanting the convenience of a carhauler would like to see the same graphics depicting luxury and comfort rather than speed and racing. It would more correctly reflect the owners.

All for now,,, Lizzy


Suffice it to say that Gayle and I are not enamored with the "Full Throttle" graphics on our 3912. Of the current options, we preferred the graphics option HT has on his 3950 (HT also has the cherry interior! Nice!) But we did like everything else about the unit (standard items and options) and it was what the dealer had in stock, so we compromised. We recognize that the interior is not as nice as the LM or the BH but it suits us just fine. Fred, RE: the 14 foot garage; Heartland recently introduced the 3914 which has a 14 foot garage (see Heartland Website-Floor Plans.) Also, RE: the double queen beds in the garage, you can remove one (or both) bed(s) very easily. (HT, jump in here and help defend our honor son!) So far, Gayle and I love the practicality/livability of our Cyclone. Oh, one last thing; the Cyclones apparently can be ordered with a "graphics delete." A Landmark toyhauler would be very nice! Lance


Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
found other Landmark with garage discussion

Well I finally found it. It was a poll that Jim set up in care of jpmorgan.



Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
My 2-cents here as I am starting to get a bit excited about this particular subject. I would like to throw out this thought. First of all I think that with a smaller garage area like we are talking about here that a side entrance ramp would be the direction to go and then the rear cap could be maintained as is. But let's take that one more step forward and consider putting the ramp on the off-door side as to keep the door-side clean as it were. I could go both ways on this though. Have a side ramp on the door-side would lend itself to having an elevated deck and screened in room. I suppose you could do that regardless of what side it was on. The ceiling height in the garage sould also be lower than normal to accomodate a taller loft area or no loft and electric bunks. Just thinking out loud here. Ya that's right, I think sometimes. Well, enough for now.



Committed Member
You are describing the ramp door configuration of the Razor 31FX8. Add the loft of the Cyclones, possibly a sliding patio door to open up the living space and you have the makings of the "all new" Landmark Fun Hauler! :D


Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
Hey Jim B.
There seems to be a lot of excitement over this. Can you make sure the factory follows this thread?



Well-known member
Already on it Mark :D We discussed it briefly here at the plant this afternoon.

I plan to make a new thread or sub-forum for this to keep the discussion going. We are listening!

Thanks everyone.
