Dual Pane Windows - Opening???


Future Heartland Owner
There are some great posts on dual pane windows and whether to get or not to get them. However, I did not find one thing discussed - is there any difference in the opening of them?

In other words, do they open as easily? As wide as single pane?

We think they are a good idea, but in ideal camping weather we really want a cross flow breeze coming in. So the ability to open the windows is essential.

Thank you.


The dual pane windows operate and opening is same as single pane. The insulation value and noise reduction are worth the extra money.


Staff member
We love our dual panes. The noise reduction is what did it for us. My wife went outside our stick house and spoke to me through a single pane window. (I didn't want to go out in the rain.) Then went over to a dual pane window and the difference was amazing. Keep in mind that the dual panes only open sliding. There are no crankouts. So I'm told. We feel there is plenty of air movement and can always supliment movement with the Fantastic Fan. We made the right choice in ordering them. IMO


Active Member
why can't they make the frames with vinyl plus have the dual pane windows, talk about holding the temp in the right place that would really help,WHY don't they?