Refrigerator size


Well-known member
My dealer (ExploreUSA, Seguin) could not tell me if the larger 10 or 12 cu ft ref came without the icemaker. Can u advise on an order we made. I would like to add the 10 cu ft w/o the icemaker if possible to the order instead of the standard 8...thanx..and could use the off line time if possible...just a little excited for arrival....thanx...


Well-known member
the unit comes standard with an 8 cu ft refer. We order all 10 and 12 cu ft with an ice maker - no ice maker for the larger refers is not an option. If you would like to add an option you will need to contact Explore Seguin and have them call me directly. Depending on when your unit comes off-line it might not be possible to make a change this late.
