The test I ran with the jumper worked perfectly. Too speed up the heating, I turned on the propane heater as well. The propane turned off 1st and about 15 seconds later the current meter I had measuring the electrical went from 10.7 amps to zero. I was quite
Ok, once the temp of the water reached the thermostat setting the current going to the element dropped to zero.
So I am going to replace this wire and call it a done deal. Thanks to all for the amazing help and response.
Bill Knight you can add me to the list of people who had that junction box...
I measured the element and it was 10.5 ohms so I am sure it is ok. There was no continuity between the white wire of the switch inside the camper and the white wire at the element. I ran a jumper between the two and the heater is now working and heating up the tank at 10.7 amps. If the...
The elements on Amazon are all 1440 W @ 120 VAC. This works out to a 10 Ohm load so I will measure that this morning. I will also measure the continuity from the white wire at the inside switch to the element. If it show direct contact it means the problem is with the black wire/thermostat...
Thank makes alot of sense because it looks as if the white wire is a direct connection from the fuse panel to the element and the black wire is the one that needs to jump through all the hoops before being allowed to power the element.
I could run a jumper and see if the thermostat still shuts...
I need to know where the white wire of the element originates. The above Black and Red wires on the two resetable trip breakers measure 120 VAC with the switch on and 0 VAC with it off. The black wire on the left trip goes directely to the element (Measues 0 Ohms). The Red on the right trip goes...
New obseration:
I removered the lower black cover and found the element.
With the inside switch "On" and the exterior switch "On", I am not reading 120 VAC across the element.
Is there any other condition that needs to be met and do the black and white wires to the element come right from the...
Thank you for the info. Could you please help me identify the components you mentioned.
T&P valve: Is this the spigot located at the upper right/center of the picture I posted?
Water Heater Bypass: Where is this located?
Heater Element: Is this located behind the black cover at the bottom...
Also, how long does it take for the water to get hot? I know the propane is very quick.
It seems like the hot water from the kitchen sink is a bit warmer than the cold.
Am I just being impatient and the darn thing has been working all along?
The camper is a 2015. I have never flushed it. I have had it for one year and it has always been in the backyard as a place for my step-daughter to live. She has since moved on and I am getting ready to sell it and I am making sure everything works, This is the last item on the list.
I do not...
Hello to all.
I am hoping I can find some help troubleshooting my electric water heater.
I have a Prowler 22, 5th wheel camper with both Propane and electic water heating. I am presently parked in the yard on 30 amp outside 120 AC.
The propane heat works fine but when I switch to electic no...
Hi Bill, I am In Warwick. Right next door to Cranston. My wife is from Cranston.
There are still a few row house areas left today, but most have been torn down as well as the factories they once served.
It's not the Rhode Island I grew up with......I guess no place is if you're over 60.
The rain let up so I went to investigate the fuse issue and below is the culprit.
Measures about 1.3 MEG Ohms. Just enough to allow a VOM reading for voltage but too much to run a load of any significance.
Thanks so much for all your great help!!!!
Your help, (Everyone’s) has been incredible. Quick, precise and friendly. (Campers Rock!)
Raining here today. (Rhode Island) but I will scope out and test the fuses and get back to you on what I find. (With all the info the forum has provided, I am sure that is the solution…..a bad fuse.)
Below is a pic of the fuse panel. Are the DC fuses the row of blue automotive fuses at far right? It would make sense as I see a couple of white with orange tracer wires and thats the color of the detector wiring (Wht/Orn + and soild white -)
Thank you for the guidance.
Thank you so much for all that info.
There is a fuse panel at the base of the Couch/bed in the living room. I was under the impression that these were all 120 VAC fuses.
I could not find a DC fuse panel in the camper, unless it's located in an area I am not aware off.
The LED indicator/fuse...
Thank you, John.
The detector is brand new and runs fine on a 12 VDC power supply I have in my workshop. The problem is with the 12 VDC supply in the camper. Anytime the detector is connected the 12 volts drop to around 3 VDC...However, all other 12 VDC items work and the battery bar measure 12...
Hello to all, I am new to the forum and need help solving an electrical problem. I have a 5th wheel Prowler 22.
Several months ago my Propane Detector went into an alarm, and I could smell gas. I called a service man who said he "Tightened" up some connection and also that my Detector needed to...
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