EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: VA, Williamsburg - 5/13/2011 to 5/15/2011

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Well-known member
I guess there is only 1 site left as Deb & I just registered. Preuming my 3 grand children and Mickey don't kill me, we will be there ready to relax and enjoy.


Well-known member
All twenty five sites reserved! Thats pretty awesome... Now all we need is to get rid of this wet cold winter...


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
I've added a site map with everyone's locations on it on post # 1 (Pete and Hudson are approximations - still have to confirm their site #). I have a call into the campground to see if I can get a few more sites. Hopefully they'll call me back soon. You'll want to be here early for this one. With Calvin, Pete, and Hudson currently scheduled into back-in sites, we'll assemble an ad hoc judging panel and grade their efforts. There'll be a nice prize for the winner! Should be interesting. Calvin is steady as a rock, Hudson has his own Zip Code, and well, many of us saw Pete at Cape Hatteras :D.


Retired Virginia Chapter Leaders
SO??? Is this worth driving from Texas to witness??? :)

Only if you have a strong stomach Jim. And the ability to put things out of your mind because it is certainly not something you want to remember. It's just too scary to keep the image in your mind. Pete backing his Big Horn...sure is entertaining but sure is scary!!:D


Only if you have a strong stomach Jim. And the ability to put things out of your mind because it is certainly not something you want to remember. It's just too scary to keep the image in your mind. Pete backing his Big Horn...sure is entertaining but sure is scary!!:D

OK...I know what your talking about...to scary to even post in a picture... Think I'll just stay in Texas then... besides, wouldn't want to catch anything or pickup bad habits. :) :)


It is always worth driving to a VA rally however.

I'm sure it is,,,and we will be most likely be driving down through that area after the National Rally in Goshen. Not in time for your rally... but hope to see everyone in Goshen.

Jim M


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
Here's a few useful websites for those of you coming to the rally:

We plan on leaving Saturday free as a tour day for those who wish to explore the history, culture, or fun of the area. However, we will also have a few laid-back events (e.g., a wine and cheese tasting, hot dog lunch, etc) for those of you who have seen it all and just want to relax and enjoy the comeraderie. We are scheduling our pot luck for Saturday evening, so if you take advantage of the day to tour around, you'll probably want to think about a dish to bring that will be easy to prepare so you aren't rushed. I still have to confer with my "event coordinator" (she's out of town right now), but I'll work up an agenda for posting soon.​
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Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
Looks like the back-in contest will be limited to Calvin and Pete (how one-sided is that?). Hudson will be on Site #22 (will update map tonight).
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