Ontario Chapter Leaders


Well-known member
Hello Ontario!

Hey, you have brand new Chapter Leaders. Wayne and Gayle Wilson have accepted my offer to become our Canada Regional Directors. As such, they had to vacate their position of Ontario Chapter Leaders.

Allow me to introduce your new Chapter Leaders.

Hello Rick and Joanne Larocque, member #1492 (Ricoh on the forum)!

Please join me in welcoming Rick and Joanne as your new Ontario Chapter Leaders!

Welcome aboard.

Jim Beletti
President, Heartland Owners Club
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Welcome aboard Rick and Joanne.

Also thanks to Wayne and Gayle for your past leadership,,, now moving on up.

Jim and Bette


Founding Canadian Region Director - Retired
Rick and Joanne

Gayle and I wish to congratulate you on being the new Ontario Chapter Leaders. We are so pleased you have accepted this position and look forward to working with you in future endeavours.

Wayne and Gayle


Southeast Region Director-Retired
Thank you Rick and Joanne for stepping forward to continue the Ontario chapter and congratulations.


Canada-East Region Directors-Retired
Congratulations Rick & Joanne.You're a great choice for that position.

Let me know if there is anything we can do to help.

Bob & Christine


Founding New Mexico Chapter Leader
Congrad Wayne and Gayle, on your new position as Canadian regional director and Rick and Joanne on your new position TRAVELER07