Removing anode from hot water tank


Senior Road Warriors
And of course it goes without saying.... although I will... Lefty loosey / Righty tighty !
All the strength and breaker bars are of no use if your going the wrong direction.
You are defeating the purpose of the anode by trying to insulate it so well.

I have never used tape or pipe dope and never had a leak.

I do wire wheel the anode nut if I am reusing it and I use a wire brush made for cleaning out the threads in the water heater, followed by a flush of the tank with one of these:

If you hook a multimeter across it you will find the tape does not destroy the electrical connection at all. The threads cut the tape leaving plenty of contact.


Well-known member
I replaced mine a month ago with the anode that has drain valve built in.

Where did you get the anode with a drain valve? I empty my hot water tank after each use and a drain valve would be super cool.