EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: AL, Gulf Shores - 4/24/2015 to 4/26/2015

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Founding Alabama Chapter Leaders-Retired
Ricky and Rachel,

Glad to see you'll be with us!!

Okay everyone - if you haven't reserved a site at Gulf State Park yet, please hurry and call them! You can still reserve a site after Monday (16th), but you may not get a site on Bear Road. It's important to attend - and encourage each other. There will be lots of stuff to do!! COME ON DOWN!


Past Mississippi Chapter Leader (Founding)
Bill and Susan, Sign up the Mississippi Coopers for the Gulf Shores Rally. We have reservation on Bear Road for April 20-26 and looking forward to a great Rally.

Hogan and Donna
#1649 Tupelo, MS


Founding Alabama Chapter Leaders-Retired
Great News!! We're up to 11 rigs registered for the Rally!! WOO-HOO!!!

If anyone is considering attending, please hurry and call the park!! You can still get a site on Bear Road!!

Looking forward to seeing everyone!!


Founding Alabama Chapter Leaders-Retired

Great News!! We're up to 15 Rigs registered now- including a couple of first timers!!

We hope to organize a road trip to see the Blue Angels in Pensacola on Wednesday morning. The pilots will be available for autographs after the show. More details provided at the Rally.

I'm sure there will be a few of us taking in the "Bama Coast Cruise" Car Show at Orange Beach on Friday and/or Saturday. There will be MANY awesome custom cars and trucks there.

Friday night: We'll have a campfire meet-and-greet after supper. (Hopefully at site 157)

Saturday: 8:30AM wheel bearing packing demo by Bob Mansolino at site 131.
6:00PM BAR-B-QUE provided by Heartland Owners Club (location to be provided at the Rally)
  • Bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share - and your own beverages.
  • Door Prizes will be given away afterwards.

We'll also try to help organize a trip to the Tanger Outlet Mall if anyone is interested.

Some of the golfers may want to organize a golf outing also....?

Susan and I will be arriving Monday (20th) and will depart Monday (27th).

Can't wait to see everyone!!

Travel safe!
Bill and Susan


did anyone else who attended the gulf shores rally get ripped off when they cancelled the reservations supposedly because "a lot of people cancelled their reservations." from a suggested price of 31.00 a nite I was charged 55.41 that with tax. bob and linda cox, user name rcox hoc 2202. anyone?
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