ATF: Landmark - No breaker labled for referigerator

Where does the refrigerator on our San Antonio supply 120 volt AC power from if not from the breaker box?

I ask this question because I have shut off each breaker one at a time while watching the auto switch to LP indicator on our Dometic RM 1350 and the only time it indicates a switch to LP is when I shut off the main breaker.


Well-known member
Sometimes it takes 20-30 seconds for the refrigerator display to change. Try flipping the breakers one at a time again but wait longer.
Sometimes it takes 20-30 seconds for the refrigerator display to change. Try flipping the breakers one at a time again but wait longer.
Dan I ran the test again and as you suspected I did not wait long enough for the switch to occur. I found the breaker and now have it labeled.
Thanks Brian too for your suggestion.

PS I got a call this morning from Jamie at Heartland offering to help me find the refers 120 volt source. Great response from both Heartland and this forum!