Cyclone - Bunk bed ladders?


I just bought a 2017 cyclone 3418 and it doesn't have any ladders to get on the bunk beds!! Was it supposed to come with them? If not how do you get up there?


Well-known member
Re: ATF: Cyclone - Bunk beds

Hi chadf,

Congratulations on the new Cyclone and welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum. We've got a lot of Cyclone owners who are active on the forum and I'm sure they'll give you some feedback shortly.


Active Member
I just bought a 2017 cyclone 3418 and it doesn't have any ladders to get on the bunk beds!! Was it supposed to come with them? If not how do you get up there?

This is what I purchased, after getting a ship's ladder style that didn't work very good, hurt bare feet, damaged the bed edging, and in general was a pain in the buckaroo to navigate.

This is stupid light and tall enough to gain easy access to the top bed. It's very safe and can be easily moved around from the bed if need be. Also, it's very useful around the RV to do general cleaning and varying site needs like tree trimming, etc.

Been very happy with it, and so are our 40 year old kids who have to use it. The master bedroom doesn't need no stink'in ladders, ha.

P.S. I have a toy hauler with interior upper bunks. the ladder is primarily used for the bed in the garage.

Little Giant Ladder Systems

Flip-N-Lite 300-Pound Duty Rating 6-foot Stepladder with Platform


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