SOLVED: Very little hot water in CY 4151 (bad check valve)

I have very little hot water flow, plenty of cold water supply to the back of the heater, but very little flow from any of the faucets throughout the coach. Disconnected the output of the hot water heater where it ties to the lines that go to the coach and little or no flow there either.


Well-known member
Re: Cyclone 4151

The amount coming out of the top fitting on the water heater should be exactly equal to the amount going in the bottom fitting. I think the only possible impediment would be that the output fitting likely has a check valve built in to the fitting. It could be failing in a way that restricts water flow.

If your water heater has a plastic output fitting, be careful handling it as it may have become brittle. It's much harder to replace if it breaks apart leaving plastic stuck to the water heater threads.

When installing a new fitting, make sure the check valve is oriented correctly. It'll have an arrow indicating direction of water flow.


Well-known member
Re: Cyclone 4151

On our old camper, Laredo, we had a piece of plastic sheet somehow had worked into the water heater and blocked the outlet. How it got there, who knows.
Re: Cyclone 4151

Problem solved, hot water restored, plastic check / backflow preventer valve was broken replaced the OEM with a brass one for $10, the insides however are the same, plastic plunger, Rubber seal, with a spring, picked up a spare as we're full-timers and that hot water is just really important. Thank you for the insight.