Trouble shooting a water heater


Well-known member
Hi everyone,
yep, loosing it---have a water heater that cannot get hot water---I found a trouble shooting guide last year,but cannot remember where it is located. It walked me through the process to determine if it was a switch, the high limit switch, or the element and now I cannot find where it is located on the forum???
appreciate your help
currently in AZ


Well-known member
The Suburban Water Heater Troubleshooting Guide is in this folder.

But if it's lukewarm water, usually the problem is that the cold and hot are mixing at the outside shower, or the water heater bypass valve is partially open.

Moved the thread to the Water Heater sub-forum.


Well-known member
The guide that Dan referred you to should be comprehensive. To run the water heater on propane gas, the switch is on your tank monitors display/switches at the lights control center. It is the right hand red switch on the tanks monitor, and a small red LED should come on next to the switch when you first turn it on. This indicates the water heater is trying to light on propane, and the LED goes out after a few seconds when the water heater successfully lights. You can go outside to the water heater after that and listen for the sound of the burner flame.
I have been trying to repair the electrical portion of my Suburban water heater without luck. I replaced the switch on the tank and the calrod but still had no heating with the element. After downloading the PDF file on troubleshootiing from this site I was able to find the problem which was a burned out thermostat. The guide helped me disassemble the thermostat and replace it. I now have a fully functional water heater.
Many thanks to the people that administer this site and the resources that are posted here.