
Hey Guys,
Sorry to bother again, but a minor issue for now. 2010 Sundance 2900 MK. Kitchen slide is scuffing the floor. I've researched the forum and found some good info on slide rollers, but it seems to be for larger and newer units. I've looked under the black floorboard at the front of the slide, lifted it a bit, and pulled the room in a few inches---and still I don't see rollers or how to remove the black board. Does the 2900 MK even have these rollers?

Thanks, Bobbie


Well-known member
On our 2010 2900MK, we experienced a problem twice with the kitchen slide dropping to the floor.

Both times, one of the welds had broken on the slide frame rail at the outside weld joint where it joins the outer wall and the slide dropped to the floor.

We had the rail re-welded both times and haven't experienced the issue again.

I don't think there are any rollers - I believe the frame rails hold the slide above the floor.



Well-known member
Thanks Mike. Guess I'll have to just watch it as it comes all the way in; it definitely hasn't dropped to the floor.
Had a similar issue with my living room slide, it's larger than the other 3 slides. Was able to troubleshoot it from the manuals downloaded here. The outside bracket(s) bolts had slid down causing it to look like my rollers were messed up, quick fix, now all slides are adjusted properly and move in and out without dropping.
Hope you are able to troubleshoot it without any cracks or fatigue on the slide frames.