2018 Cyclone 3611js


I have no ac power . Nothing works that needs ac power . the power control system shows service none message but if I start my generator the display shows power and all systems work . I do have 240 volts at the land line but nothing to ac panel unless generator is running . There must be a transfer switch but where is it ? Thanks


Well-known member
The transfer switch is usually behind the rear wall of the pass through basement storage.

If your shore power cord plugs in, don't overlook that point of connection. It needs to be twist-locked into place. If it's not secure, L1 might not be making contact in which case the transfer switch won't activate on shore power. The transfer switch looks for good voltage on L1 in order to activate.

Our Electrical User Guide has drawings and photos along with explanations that you may find helpful in running down the problem.


Well-known member
I do have 240 volts at the land line but nothing to ac panel unless generator is running . There must be a transfer switch but where is it ? Thanks

Your RV is not 240V, it's 120V. The 50A "RV" outlet is two 120V legs, not a 240V outlet.