2nd Annual Northeast Chapter Leader Summit


NE Reg Dir Retired
The Northeast Chapter Leaders will be hosting their 2nd Annual Chapter Leader Summit on April, 6-9,2012 at Oak Creek Campground in Lancaster, PA. John and Mary Ann Proto will be the honorary wagonmasters for the weekend. We will be holding a planning meeting over the weekend and of course a meal or two at the Shady Maple. Anyone is welcome to attend this get together and sites are $45.00 per night. Call 717-445-6161 for reservations.

Anyone who may not be able to attend but
wishing to have their thoughts expressed, please contact your chapter leader so they can address your concerns to the group.

Maryland members contact Ann & Mike Walker at mdheartlandowners@verizon.com
Pennsylvania members contact Nona & Dave Gruner at pachapterleaders@earthlink.net
New Jersey members contact Tsteib@verizon.net
New York members contact Beth & Greg at nysheartlandchapter@yahoo.com
You can also contact John and I at northeastregiondirector@gmail.com

Hope to see you there!