Chilly Reception at Home


Well-known member
Returned home this morning from 10 beautiful days in the Texas Hill Country. Great weather ...... shorts and tees.

Weather this morning in Lubbock.......mid 30's!! That's just wrong!

Guess that's what I get for making fun of my brother last week.....He still lives in Omaha, NE and they had 3 inches of snow! Now that brings back memories I do not care to relive.


Senior Road Warriors
We can relate, it was in the 80's yesterday and low 40s this morning here in Anna.
It is either winter or summer here, seems we get about 2 weeks of fall and 2 weeks of spring.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
It was pretty nice here in Gainesville until late last night when that cold front came through. Still beats the Wisconsin weather though. We'll be heading out Tuesday. I may have to winterize before I get home.:rolleyes: