Completed Leg 1 of my 2011 Travels - IL to TX to TN to FL to IN to IL


Well-known member
Home sweet home! Leg 1 of my 2011 travels is complete. Pulled the RV 5,006 miles from Chicago to South Texas to Central Tennessee to Tampa, FL then home to Chicago, via Elkhart County, IN. Two weeks home to pack, then leg 2 begins. My dogs remember me!

I met hundreds of Heartlanders along the way. Good times.

Looking forward to meeting more of you on Leg 2 of my journey started the first week of April.



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Texas-South Chapter Leaders-Retired
Who was it, John Ratzenberger that did the show Made in America. You should start a show like that. If you ask me you are really seeing everything made in America. Jim just stay safe and out of the way of those that aren't. Enjoy the two weeks off the road.


Well-known member
Thanks Ray.

Michael - I was thinking the same about Ratzenberger. I think we wear the same shirt size too. All across North America, I continue to meet great Heartland owners :)