Cyclone 4250 AC/Heating system

I am very confused how the AC & heat works in the three AC unit system. There is a light switch 3 Way and whether you have the heat on or the AC on the switch turns any given fan on and I don't understand how to just get heat or AC in the area that I want to. Does anybody know how to operate the system?

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Well-known member
Hi hankmillerusa,

The 3-way switch can power 2 of the 3 air conditioners at the same time. Which way you set the switch determines which 2 are active.

The furnace is controlled by one of your 3 thermostats and I don't think its operation is affected by the position of that 3-way switch.

When you set the right thermostat to HEAT, the furnace blower will start and about 30 seconds later, you'll get hot air from your floor vents. If you also get air from the Air Conditioner vents in the ceiling, that means the thermostat's FAN setting is on HIGH or LOW. If you switch it to AUTO, that will stop. The FAN setting on the thermostat controls the Air Conditioner only, not the furnace.


I advise you in such a situation. It is best to call experienced people who will help you and tell you everything. Once I also wrote on the forums that my air conditioner was leaking. I was advised to do something with the tubes, and then I only made it worse. In the end, I had to call the air conditioner repair service because the air conditioner was working worse and worse every day. It turned out that I was incorrectly prompted, and I just needed to clean the radiator and clean the air conditioner itself. Therefore, do not take any risks, but instead call the specialists. Good luck to you!
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