Dealership Fees


Our 2019 Torque 371 is at our dealership for septic issues. They told us it will take about six hours labor to remove the underpinning and six hours to reinstall. Is their estimate accurate?


Well-known member
Having had to remove some of the coroplast to get to my dump valves, that estimate is like 5 and a half hours over. They could remove and replace the entire under belly in less than an hour.


Well-known member
It pure BS, we have had the dump valves on several our rigs worked on in the past. Only to find they just cut the coroplast with a knife to access the plumbing as needed and used duct tape to re-seal their work. Very few places we had do some work for us under warranty wanted to take the time to drop the coroplast and put it back up. I thought that was supposed to happen, but industry wide it doesnt, at least around my neck of the woods.


Well-known member
OMG...that is complete BS. I could drop ours in under 60 mins. Putting it back might take me a little longer as I'd have figure out a way to prop it there were 2 people putting it back on, I could do it in well under 60 mins.