Elk Ridge in the mountains


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
We just arrived for a week in Durango Colorado to go skiing. Will get to test out the winter preparedness of this great Heartland product. (Have taken all of the various forum threads on this subject to heart!) Snow in the forecast! :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Not sure how long you're staying weather could be heading south toward end of the week snow and major cold. Stay warm and cuddle as Irvin56 states


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
Yes, we are here till Saturday. Longer if the weather is not suitable for travel!!!! We are of course keeping an eye on everything. Have a remote sensor in the basement to tell us how it's doing under there. A light on & furnace occasionally running has kept it in the 50s, so far, even overnight when temps in the 20s. We wrapped all exposed pipes under the rig with insulation/foam, too.
