FedEx Warning


Prolifically Gabby Member
There is a scam e-mail going around telling you that your package could not be delivered, so FedEx took it to the post office. To claim it, you need to download a receipt. I called FedEx, since the wording looks like a Nigerian 3-yr. old and confirmed it was bogus. Do not open it or download the receipt, as it contains a virus. I was able to read the text of the message in a source reader. At their request, I forwarded the e-mail to them at:

Pretty much sent up my "red flag" since we've received everything we had on order from anyone.


Senior Road Warriors
I too have received those e-mails a couple of times this month. My first thought was... why would Fed-Ex take it to a post office? Delete delete delete.
And yes the grammer gives them away instantly!


Past Heartland Ambassador
I know the email is bogus...but you would be surprised just how much the postal service delivers packages that originate at FedEx and UPS...

Bob Vaughn

Well-known member
Yes Fed Ex does have a shipping program called Smart Post.....I get my medications that way....the tracking sucks and it takes longer...I had one shipment set at the post office 4 days and when I had not received it I talked to my mail lady and she looked at the PO and sure enough it was just laying there it had not been taken to the floor for delivery......


Prolifically Gabby Member
I am well aware of it being a scam and dealt with it accordingly. But if there were'nt guppies taking the bait, the scammers wouldn't be out fishing. I contacted FedEx because this one was a bit out of the ordinary for the ones I've received. Who knows, maybe they can track down the source and send some guys in black BDU's in the middle of the night to eradicate the problem.