Fires out?


Saskatchewan Chapter Leader
What is the time fires should be put out if the couple are just sitting and reading and talking?


Retired Colorado Chapter Leaders
Not sure about what you are asking...I'm assuming: someone is outside sitting by their long as they are by their fire (don't leave it unattended) it shouldn't matter (unless there is some sort of rule in the area).


Senior Road Warriors
If a couple is just sitting, reading and talking.... Sounds like the fire is already out! LOL


Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
I have been to a few (very few) places where they wanted fires out by 10PM or 11PM.
I guess the thinking is, that someone might be alert to making sure the fire is out, rather than just wandering off to bed w/o putting it out.
It probably also discourages some late night partying, as well. Trace


Well-known member
Most places have quiet hours. So reading isn't an issue. But talking might be if its late.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
In places that allow fires, I've never been aware of a time limit as long as the fire watchers are quiet or at least the voices don't carry to other sites. Some folks think they're being quiet when in fact they just don't realize how their voice may carry. especially to a neighbor.