GFCI locations?


Greetings! I'm a newbie, so please excuse if this is a dumb question. On our cyclone 4000 we have list power to the back half and door side of our trailer. The bathroom gfci is not set off. I've used a tester and we have power running through all circuits at the circuit panel. Shore power. Is there another gfci located somewhere I'm missing? Thanks in advance for any help.....


Well-known member
Hi Clovdahl,

Sometimes problems like this are due to loss of one leg of the incoming power, either at the pedestal, or somewhere between the pedestal and circuit breakers. But if you've tested and are sure power is getting through the circuit breakers, I'd next look for a junction box under the doorside slide. Check for power there.


Well-known member
Sounds like one leg of your power supply is not working. I have a 2012 Cyclone 4014. I only know of one gfci, located in the bathroom. Not sure if there is another?? I have a Surge Guard external EMS. When I plug in to the pedestal it will tell me if both legs have power. If you have a EMS look and see that you have power to both legs. If you have shore power to both legs then there is a problem inside the rig. Others on this forum will be able to give you more help, or call Heartland customer service, have you VIN # handy to give them.


Thanks for the advice! Although I oddly was picking up power at the panel inside, it was indeed that one breaker leg in the pedestal was bad. The campground dude came, replaced it, and we're back to full power. Thanks again!