Guns, Liberals, Conservatives, and Southern Conservative


Well-known member
Are you a Liberal, Conservative, or Southern Conservative?

You're walking down a dark street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly a deranged looking man with a knife charges out of the darkness toward you screaming obscenities and vowing to KILL YOU ALL. Your carrying your Glock .40, are an expert shot and you only have seconds to react before he reaches your family.

What do you do?

Liberal Answer- That's not enough information. Have we ever done anything that would provoke him? Shouldn't we all just try to get along? What would my wife and kids think if I shot him? Why am I carrying a gun in the first place and what kind of message does that send to my children? Couldn't I just call 911 and hope they respond quickly? If we would raise taxes, and provide more programs and job opportunities to assist people like this we wouldn't be in this situation now.

Conservative Answer - BANG

Southern Conservative Answer - BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, *CLICK*. and the family praises the Dad for a tight group.


Well-known member
I never realized I was a southern conservative. Thank you. How do I spell yall?

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Well-known member
Nope, there is no spelling to yall. For a very good reason.

I'm a native of Georgia who married a New Yorker. He knows how to spell y'all and loves the South so much we've retired here y'all. But, bless your heart, your statement makes no sense at all.


Well-known member
  1. Y'all (/jɔːl/ yawl) (sometimes ya'll or yall) is a contraction of you and all (sometimes combined as you-all). It is used as a second-person pronoun. The exclusive usage of y'all as a plural pronoun is a subject of perennial discussion.

    In New York, yous guys = y'all. In Spanish it is ustedes.


Well-known member
Are you a Liberal, Conservative, or Southern Conservative?

You're walking down a dark street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly a deranged looking man with a knife charges out of the darkness toward you screaming obscenities and vowing to KILL YOU ALL. Your carrying your Glock .40, are an expert shot and you only have seconds to react before he reaches your family.

What do you do?

Liberal Answer- That's not enough information. Have we ever done anything that would provoke him? Shouldn't we all just try to get along? What would my wife and kids think if I shot him? Why am I carrying a gun in the first place and what kind of message does that send to my children? Couldn't I just call 911 and hope they respond quickly? If we would raise taxes, and provide more programs and job opportunities to assist people like this we wouldn't be in this situation now.

Conservative Answer - BANG

Southern Conservative Answer - BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, *CLICK*. and the family praises the Dad for a tight group.

Your satire is excellent, but what is sad is that the scenario about the bad guy is more real than satire. You don't have to be walking down a dark street to be confronted by these people. They are omnipresent, it is their opportunity that comes and goes. Then there are people that wig out at the simplest life stress. I think "road ragers" present the most common form of violence against others


Well-known member
LOL, a humor thread with people with no humor when it is pointed at them. Only when it is pointed at others.


Original Owners Club Member
Up north - you guys (whether male or female - singular or plural) New York and New Jersey is yous guys

Down south - y'all (whether male or female - singular or plural)


Original Owners Club Member
Also in the south (at least here in Texas) don't say 'hello' we usually say 'howdy' or just 'hey'


Well-known member
Up north - you guys (whether male or female - singular or plural) New York and New Jersey is yous guys

Down south - y'all (whether male or female - singular or plural)

My uncle grew up in West Texas, went off to WW2, and married a gal from Minnesota. They settled in
Peoria, Il. He always caught it at family gatherings with his "Jesus yous guys" so it spread a little further west.
And his wife's Minnesota accent. Great people, just talked funny.


Well-known member
It's funny how people in different parts of the country perceive other areas. Last year while traveling in Ohio, we'd talk to people & they'd ask where we were from & we'd tell them we were from Kansas City, MO, the reply was always out (or way out) West. This year, we have been in Michigan, and spending the rest of the summer in Wisconsin. They refer to where we live as down South. When at home, "out West" usually is West of the Missouri River, and down South will start at the Arkansas line. I actually think the West starts at the Mississippi River, and the South starts at the Mason Dixon Line.


Well-known member
Always funny when when I tell people we are from west TX and they think 'wild west"
..horses and six shooters....

I laugh...

We all carry semi autos anymore. ....six shooters. ..

Y'all are funny...

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