Heartland 2011 used incorrect Barrell connectors on sat in.


Well-known member
First off, I thought the guy that told me this was nuts. He wasn't.

Sat systems, particularly those with small antennas like we use on the road, are supposed to use 3gb barrell connectors wherever two pieces of coax join. These barrel connectors have blue plastic centers. Heartland uses white...the ones forfcable tv...and they are insufficient for sat systems. One in a line will reduce signal strength and speed...two and you will really have little or no signal. Just one on a long run and you may get nothing.

I tried it. A big difference in signal strength, speed of menus and quality of SD channels. I suspect that the length of the quad shield cable I use for my talgater will now be able to be extended.

About 8.00 for a box 0f 10 at Lowe's. Really a big improvement!


Agree 100%! My satellite wouldn’t work at all routed through the udc but worked fine if I ran the coax direct. I bought a box of the new connectors along with a coax tester. Tested the plugs underneath and they all failed. Replaced all the connectors and presto all coax throughout showed to be working and the satellite worked hooked through the udc. Time consuming, but it was a cheap and easy fix👍


Well-known member
I would be curious to know what type of coax connectors (Blue or white) are used on current Heartland production satellite cabling.
I would say that is the issue with my 2013 model.
Are they easy to get to under camper? I am assuming you have to drop down the plastic?