Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
It is that time again and we are looking forward to an awesome time with our extended family and friends. It is Rally time and you know what else that means, it is time to get rid of those unwanted treasures you have been toting around in your RV. We will once again have tables made available for you to show your wares and such. You will be supplied with tags in your welcome bag for the rally to list your item, price, cell phone number, name & site number so that people can get in touch with you if necessary. If you just want to give your stuff away then put “FREE” in the price and I am sure you will never see it again. The tables will be set up somewhere in the hall. The Hall will be open all day during the rally and locked at night. They will be available from the start of the rally till Saturday evening. If your items do not sell by Saturday evening please remove them from the table as we have no way of storing them. Any items still left on Sunday will become a free for all and possibly thrown away. This is a really great way to make a couple of bucks for fuel or maybe some ice cream later on. If ice cream is involved please let me know as I would like some too. Really! Not kidding.
Hope to see you all there,
Hope to see you all there,