Heartland User Guides


Past Indiana Chapter Leaders
Kudos and many thanks to the HUG authors! I've used them many times and wanted to recognize the folks who put them together Most recently my 2016 Cyclone hydraulic slides, and the Level Up system, was hesitating during operation. A quick search in the forum produced the "Hydraulic Slide Starts and Stops" HUG. It was most thorough, explaining the issue, the solution and how to implement that solution. I read it a couple of times and had it handy while I worked on it. Success!

Incidentally, I took the guide's advice and replaced all the 50 amp breakers while I was in there, and I have two spares in case this happens again.

Sorry, I don't know HUG authors, but I suspect Dan Mayer had something to do with them.

To those involved in the HUG process, Salute!