Keyless lock for 2021 Mallard M260


I’m considering keyless door entry for my 2021 M260. Any recommendations on unit to buy and how is it working for you?


Well-known member
I agree with Rip.... its one of the many "best" upgrades that you can do for yourself.....
on the keypad, its a simple code (of your choice) to unlock, and a one button push to lock..... unless you use the fob, with is then only a single button push either way.....
I agree with the RV lock. I installed the V4 and added the module to blue tooth to my phone. Being able to unlock with my phone from the car and not have to have another fob on my key chain was the best decision I made.


Well-known member
I agree with the RV lock. I installed the V4 and added the module to blue tooth to my phone. Being able to unlock with my phone from the car and not have to have another fob on my key chain was the best decision I made.
Do you have a link to the app

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Well-known member
I have the version without the BT support and while I wish I had that feature it was still 100% worth doing. The app is great if it's mostly "you and your spouse" but the second you have 4 kids running in from the pool or clubhouse at all times of the day, the keypad just becomes the de-facto. YMMV.

One thing I'd definitely recommend, we seem to blow through batteries really fast - a set every season, at least. If you can swing it (because they aren't exactly cheap) try the Lithium batteries instead. We use the Energizer ones but I think they're all the same. They don't really seem to last longer "in season," at least in my experience, but they definitely have longer shelf-lives so they don't slowly lose capacity when your camper is in storage. Since I switched to them, we got 2 seasons of use out of the last set, so it was worth it IMO.


Well-known member
I changed both entrance doors and the storage compartment doors. If you order all at once, they can key each alike and only use 1 key.


Well-known member
If you tell them your key code they can even do that for future purchases. I put one on my truck camper and they were able to key it the same as our fifth wheel.