LP gas regulator bad?

I turned on my LP tanks (very slowly) and pressure regulator shows red on both tanks (ie empty). I checked the tanks and there is definitely LP in each tank. Could the regulator have failed? Is it possible it "locked up"? I haven't used the tanks in about nine months. Thanks for any help.


Well-known member
I turned on my LP tanks (very slowly) and pressure regulator shows red on both tanks (ie empty). I checked the tanks and there is definitely LP in each tank. Could the regulator have failed? Is it possible it "locked up"? I haven't used the tanks in about nine months. Thanks for any help.

I don't know. I’m only thinking the obvious that perhaps the regulator has a problem. This is what I would do to see if perhaps you can do some eliminating of things that are not wrong. First thing, are you absolutely sure your tanks have propane left. It’s highly unlikely that both are totally empty, so you’re probably right. I would unhook both tanks and see if the regulator resets. While unhooked, bump the regulator to make sure something isn’t stuck. If all this doesn’t work, it’s likely the regulator. Probably less expensive to order in a new one and see if that fixes the problem.
Be extremely careful handling the propane. Good luck.


Well-known member
Ignoring the indicator for a moment, is there any gas flow to the range? Can you light a burner and keep it burning?


Well-known member
Negative to both.

While it could be a regulator problem, before throwing parts at the situation, I'd suggest getting one of your tanks filled - preferably the one located next to the dual regulator. You'll always use the propane. If it still doesn't work, then you can try a regulator.
So, I figured it out after two days of searching. I replaced the regulator. Same issue. I checked both propane tanks again and both have lots of propane in them. I noticed that when I had the tanks on that it sounded like there was gas flowing through the regulator, but it still showed up as both tanks empty. I could also smell propane slightly. I checked all my gas lines and found the problem. It seems that when Affinity RV replaced the slide out floor in my kitchen they forgot to hook the gas line back up to the oven/stove. I hooked it back up and all is well. I guess even the best rv repair places have bad days also.


Well-known member
I assume the disconnected line was allowing gas to escape outside. If inside, your propane detector needs to be checked.


Well-known member
Not a regulator issue, but what I've found it seems is that if a tank is low enough on gas, it won't keep the oven going. Stove yes, oven no.


I've had two tank valves go bad. At first I thought it was a bad regulator or empty tanks. Took tanks in to get filled, but they were both full. Bought two new tanks and everything works great.

It was on a brand new Cyclone and Heartland covered the replacements but I had to pay for the propane.