Met some fellow forum members today!


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
We were visiting Valley of Fires Recreation Area near Carrizozo, New Mexico, and met Fred (fljlcw) and his wife, park hosts. Good to meet folks and instantly have a 'family' connection!:D BTW Valley of Fires is a really neat place to visit and stay.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
I remember when we first got our Bighorn. We didn't see many other Heartland products out there. Now, it's a different story. I see them at most every park we visit. I try to pass on info on the forum and HOC but some folks just don't seem that interested.


Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
I remember when we first got our Bighorn. We didn't see many other Heartland products out there. Now, it's a different story. I see them at most every park we visit. I try to pass on info on the forum and HOC but some folks just don't seem that interested.

Ray, I agree with you. I tell people about the forum and many look at me like like I'm strange.
Well maybe I am, but that's beside the point. LOL


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
When we got back 'home' to Circle B RV Park in Ruidoso, we discovered a Big Horn had come in! New Mexico plates. tomorrow will try to say hi and spread the HOC hospitality.