Need a vacation!


Prolifically Gabby Member
So here I am retired, mostly. We've been home for little over a week and I've been to two structure fires and a number of other calls. I've been involved for almost two years getting a Federal grant to replace/add to our USAR equipment cache. I didn't think it would materialize, but when I came back from our last stay at the RV, there was a pile of boxes waiting for me at the fire station. So, for the past week, I've been digging through it, organizing it, and trying to figure out where to put it (hadn't thought that completely out). Even today, FedEx delivered a crate with 500 lbs. of trench shoring gear. Today and tonight, during our regular training sessions, I had the troops cut, fold, and mutilate the gear into what some of us older USAR types thought would work. I've had enough for a while. Heading north for a couple of weeks to decompress. And it's not all in yet...

And just for the record, this is 2008 grant money we're working with. I've got two more in for 2009 and 2010 funding.


Great that you got it and your willing to take care of it... I know the grants are for a good cause.

Jim M