Random Thoughts On The Kentucky Derby


Well-known member
  • The Kentucky Derby is the only day of the year when people drink Mint Juleps. Really, diluting good bourbon with anything should be a crime, but if a recipe calls for bourbon, you should at least use bourbon. The Early Times they used for the last 18 years only ties to the designated “bourbon” status is the fact that it’s aged in used barrels. So I hear they are switching to Old Forester now. Give me a break no wonder they dilute it.
  • The Kentucky Derby is the only day women would be caught dead in those stupid hats.
  • The Kentucky Derby only takes 2 minutes yet it’s a 3 hour TV show. They haven’t figured out that most people only tune in the last 5 mins.
  • The Kentucky Derby is missing the boat on maximizing ad revenue (really it’s about the money after all), by not following the lead of NASCAR. They should paint advertising on the horse’s flanks and instead of those silly silk suits that the jockeys wear, put them in coveralls. That way they could sew on patches advertising REAL BOUBON!!.


Well-known member
Love it and agree! Blanton's for some real bourbon!

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