RESOLVED: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB


Well-known member
We have a problem with our refrig., when set to automatic we hear a clicking noise with happens at the same time the LP light coming on and going off. The refer is warming up so I've switched it to gas not knowing if that will help I've checked inside fuses but not the ones in the box on the back of the refer. I don't ever remember the lP light coming on and off when on automatic and we have been snowbirding for the last 4 months.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

Are you sure you have 120V power going to the refer. Check your GFI and the plug behind the refer.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

Hi Westwind,

On Auto, if 110V AC is present, the frig will run on 110V. If it switches to LP, that usually means there's a problem with the 110V supply.

You might want to check the outlet where the frig is plugged in to make sure you have solid 110V.

Also, if in a slide, the power to the slide could have a problem. Carefully check for damage to the wiring. There have been a few reports of wire damage under the slide.

If there's a junction box under the slide, wiith shore power OFF, open that box and check the wire nuts and connections.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

After making the checks that Dan has noted, I have personally experience a similar problem. I fixed the problem by replacing the control board only to find that the 3 amp fuse on the control board was loose in the printed circuit board. I recently help a fellow RV'er fix his RM1350 Dometic refrigerator by removing the control board and bending the tabs on the fuse holder to make a lasting contact. My problem being the same as my friend's problem was that the loose fuse on the printed circuit board was a repetition of what you have described. It will be of interest to know the final solution to your problem.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

I'm leaning towards an electrical problem in wiring on the kitchen slide out - what makes me suspicious is that above the small kitchen counter next to the stove is a outlet mounted on the underside of the kitchen cabinet above the counter. I usually plug the toaster into it and on the second morning of our trip home the outlet was dead and the toaster wouldn't work so figured we are traveling home, I will fix it when I get there. I checked all the 110 circuit breakers and they were all on, but on the 110 panel cover does it cover where or what electrical outlets are covered by what circuit breaker. I know I can call the factory and get help.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

I did check the GFI, in our Sunnybrook it gave us problems twice and had to be replaced twice, but this one checked out. It was the second thing I checked after the circuit breakers. I washed the bugs off the front cap today and my grandson (12) called and wants to play golf with me so you know which has precedent. He is on school vacation this week. I will post my findings hopefully tomorrow.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

Thought I would have worked on the refer by now but the weather - dropped to 37 last night and low 50's today should warm up over the weekend so I might get out there to fuss with it. My fingers don't do well in the cold so I thought I'd wait until it warms up some. Hopefully it will so I don't have to winterize to trailer in April! LOL


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

While on our way home from Florida we experienced two rainstorms which lasted about 1/2 hour each, it was the next morning that realized the kitchen outlet didn't work and the next day that the refer wasn't switching to electric from propane when I connected in the last campground of our trip home.
Today was warmer so I pressure washed the underneath of the slide outs, lots of sand and mud covering everything, Now I can work on the wiring under the kitchen slide or in the connection box under the slide. I did test the Refer power outlet that the refrigerator is plugged into. As I suspected dead. On the side of the refer along the side of the Refer there is an outlet and that one works. I hope I haven't for gotten any outlets. Keep you posted on my snail progress.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

Pressure washed the underneath of the trailer yesterday to get of the sand and road grime that was covering the underneath of the trailer from our day of driving in a heavy rain.

Today I opened up the wiring connection box underneath the slideout and everything looked good, I took the wire connector on one black wire connection that looked like it could stand some cleaning but it didn't look bad. I am going to put black tape after coating the connections with "DEOxIT if I can find it locally.

All outlets in the slide are dead. The circuit breaker looks and sounds good but needs to be checked with a tester. It will be nice if I can find a wiring diagram in the help section. Looking at the wiring in the slide box it appears each wire could go to a outlet box, but that's guess on my part.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

Got a chance to spend time trying to figure out this power outage in the Kitchen slide out. I started by check out the power panel in the FW, the #4 breaker says slide out and all wires before and after the breaker showed power. I went outside under the slide and opened up the pictured power box and checked out the various wire connections looking for corrosion, I did find it on a black wire connection, I removed the corroded wire nut and separated the wires and retwisted them and put a new wire nut and today I purchased some electrical connection corrosion cleaner which I will spray on each connection.

I have a picture of the wiring box located on the trailer frame under the slide out. For some reason I'm having difficulty posting it.

I getting suspicious of the circuit wire, with the connections appearing good I'm wondering if the wire is broken inside the jacket where I can't see it. I might end up splicing the wire. Any new suggestions are appreciated.
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Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

Today's goal is to take apart each electrical connection in the box and clean the wires, spray them with an oxidation spray that was recommended. Another concern is the ground wiring which will be cleaned and reattached. Then get about a 2 Ft. length of the same gauge cable that is used in the harness and by-pass the length that goes through the box and tap into the existing length of cable to see if there is a break in the area were the cable passes out of the box. Hopefully that is the problem


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

Progress - figured out the wiring today, there are two live wires coming out of the frame into the exterior circuit box (weatherproof) mounted on the frame. Once is for the outlet/refrigerator circuit, the outlets are located in the slide out and across the rear of the fifth wheel (Model 3070RL). The second circuit is for the microwave and that is the only outlet on that circuit, reason could be if the microwave was a convection one.
Since everything was live today I feel the problem was a poor connection/ground. I did find a corroded wire nut so that was good indication of the problem. I should have everything connected and operating tomorrow (Maybe).


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

Thought I had it fixed - to the point I checked all the circuit wires with the tester - everything was live to I taped all the wires nice and tight checked everything again -OK and proceeded to screw the box back on the frames - pushed the wires back into the box went to check everything inside - DEAD. You must have heard me!!!!!
Checked with the tester- Refer/outlet circuit wire is dead - this is the 15 Amp circuit #4 circuit breaker. I need to call Heartland and see if they can tell me the path of that wire from the circuit from the panel box to the slide junction box. I could us the 20 AMP microwave circuit for a temp fix. There has to be a separated or break in the circuit wire.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

A non-contact voltage tester might help. Without taking anything apart, you can check the wire going to and coming out of the j-box to see if voltage is present.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

I've isolated the problem to the slide outlet circuit wire that comes out of the trailer frame into the box, so the next process is to take the cover off the opposite slide electrical box mounted to the frame to see if the dead circuit wire originates or goes to and from that door side. If not then I will have to drop the chloroplast frame cover and see what is type of wiring is under the trailer and see if I can find a loose connection.
I might end up connecting the outlet circuit wire to the live 20 Amp Microwave circuit temporarily. We have a camping trip coming up and I want to use the refer on 110 for the 4 days. But hopefully I'll have found the problem by then.
I'm puzzled because none of circuit breakers blow so it's not a short but if it was a ground it would originate in the panel box.
I did email the factory with some questions and I'm waiting for them to respond.


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Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

Well, crawled under the door side slide out and took off the cover of the electrical box. I have figured out that this box holds the Fireplace circuit and a circuit for the TV and Radio. NOT Surprised to see an accumulation of about an 1/8 inch of wet sand and salt crystals and lots of corrosion inside the box. One corner of the box cover gasket was folded in preventing the box from being weather tight Because of everything being wet I got and tingling sensation touching the box. I used the touch tester to confirm the wires were hot and then unplugged the trailer. I bought a electrical cleaner and soaked the inside of the box and cleaned it out with a brush and repeated that step two more times, then soaked the connections. While moving the wires one of the black wires came loose and looking at it I can see it had broken off in the wire nut - I'm almost AFRAID to say I found the problem but I think I may have. The unanswered question is why did it break off, I know vibration and maybe it was accidentally partially cut during installation. Hopefully once everything dries and I remove each wire nut clean the wires and reattach and tape each wire nut connection my problem will be solved.


Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

I had emailed Heartland Customer Service asking if they could give me an idea of the path of the wiring from the main 110 box through the trailer. Mike gave me a call this morning and explained that it starts at the main 110 panel box and proceeds towards the rear with a run to the kitchen counter (sink area) and Island Outlets to the door side clide out. Then across the trailer to the off side slideout. The GFE by the bath controls/protects the circuit. I had sort off figured this out over the last few days.
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Well-known member
Re: Refrigerator problem - RM3962LB

Problem solved, found a broken wire (Black) in the door side electrical box. It was the bridge wire that takes electricity to the off door side or kitchen slide and that was why we lost electricity to the two interior outlets, one near the couch and the other near the stove in the overhead cabinet.
The other problem was sand/salt and water had gotten into both boxes via the holes that the circuit wires came out of. I cleaned out the boxes with a electric spray and sprayed each wire nut connection with a oxidation spray, once everything dried I used a paint brush and cleaned all the stuff out of the box, I then put new wire nuts and taped each wire nut with electrical tape and I bought new box covers and gaskets. I also used a silicone caulking on the wire openings to prevent anymore
salt/sand and water from getting into the box in the future.

I encourage everyone to check the electrical boxes under their slides and take steps to seal the wire holes up. I made another post to the electrical
section and Jim Beletti forwarded the post to the factory.