Return to Camp Gotchurwallet


Prolifically Gabby Member
Well, we pulled the BH up to the seasonal site today. No problems other than rain all the way, including hooking up to haul and then setting up once we got here. And it's gone back to being cold up here, along with the rain. Very happy with the 5th Airborne pin box. Even happier with the Ground Control jacks. Had to resort to spirit levels, though, since my lightly used, 2 year old JT LVL-1 couldn't find its own arse if it had two hands to sit on.
But, water heater and furnace are working fine. So's the fridge. No leaks found anywhere, so it's all good for now.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Camp Gotchurwallet is the Indian River RV Resort and Campground, just north of Indian River, MI. This is like the 5th year we've been coming here, third with a seasonal site and the BH. The name, Camp Gotchurwallet, is based on the coins we've got tied up in the truck, rig, and all the stuff we've accumulated for it. And the seasonal site charge isn't small, either. I guess you could now add in the cost of fuel just to move it.

But what the heck, what good is money if you don't spend it??


Prolifically Gabby Member
There is a Cyclone here, and a Sundance, as well. I spoke briefly with the couple at the Cyclone and mentioned the forum to them. They were interested, so I'll drop a card off later with the web address. Nobody at the Sundance today.

We're heading home tomorrow to pick up the furballs and our bikes and coming back on Wednesday. Weather permitting, we'll stay up here until the end of the month.


Past South Carolina Chapter Leader
UHHHM, what do you mean by "weather permitting"?

Please dont tell me it is STILL snowing up there.
If it is, I ain't coming.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Yup, still a bit chilly here in central WI. 31 degrees forecast for Wisconsin Rapids. Good snugglin weather...


Well-known member
39 degrees here this morn in West Central Iowa. I will see how bad they get my wallet in Alaska. Just ordered 6 Maxxis tires, taking off the china bombs. I am hoping for trouble free trip.


Prolifically Gabby Member
UHHHM, what do you mean by "weather permitting"?

Please dont tell me it is STILL snowing up there.
If it is, I ain't coming.

Snow's not a problem, just don't eat the yellow stuff.

Nope, no snow just chilly. Highs were in the low 60's and nights dropped into the high 30's and too breezy for the lake. But it's supposed to start getting more seasonal by the end of the week. We're heading back up tomorrow morning and plan to stay until the end of the month.