This is a great Road Rage video...


Well-known member
Coming from the state where people don't know how to merge that is not uncommon. Happens to me whenever I'm in rush hour traffic that could not avoid. But I will say since I got my Texas truck with Texas bumpers no one messes with me. As I remind my wife most people value their cars and they'll panic and move at the last minute.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
ROTFLOL. I always wish I had angle iron with sharpend ends on my front lug nuts just for people that try to force they way in when coming on the interstate. Happens all the time in California....the last guy was driving a KIA......A KIA???..... and he was trying to shove my 3/4 tn truck ( 7K#) over???? He either has "great big ones" or dumber than a box of rocks!!


Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
ROTFLOL. I always wish I had angle iron with sharpend ends on my front lug nuts just for people that try to force they way in when coming on the interstate. Happens all the time in California....the last guy was driving a KIA......A KIA???..... and he was trying to shove my 3/4 tn truck ( 7K#) over???? He either has "great big ones" or dumber than a box of rocks!!

Bob, after being in California for 50+ years, I would safely say it is your second guess. Trace