Why no RV tabs/links on some brands and not others along w/ size??


Well-known member
Anyone else notice that on some brand sites here that in upper right hand corner, say under Big Horn, there is a large tab/link and it covers some topics while in other brand sites there are small tabs/links or none at all?


Well-known member
It looks like on some of the Brand pages there is now a photo at top right. That seems pretty new. I can't say I care for it.

The list of sub-forums seems pretty consistent and has it has been previously.



Well-known member
Heartland Marketing asked us to update the images. They sent us what they had for current brands. I agree - not all of them look great.

That said, with our move to a new platform pending, we'll defer any cleanup of the brand images until we migrate over to Xenforo and endeavor to get it right on the new platform.