NIOSH approved gas masks are optional..........

Premise: Our traveltrailer is used perhaps 6 or 7 times per year on actual campingexcursions. While parked at home it willalso double as a guest house during holidays and family gatherings. While not in use I try to keep the wastewater holding tank as empty and clean as possible in anticipation of the nextouting. A standard cleaning is a typicaldump process, followed by a fresh water rinse until the water is running clearthru the assembly, close the termination valve, drop in a holding tank ‘pod’,and add some fresh water to activate the pod.
We have had some excessively hot weather and it got mewondering if the water added to the tank will eventually evaporate thru theroof vent. More important, it got mewondering what happens to the bits and pieces of paper and solids that seem touniversally remain in the tank despite repeated flushes. Especially if they are on or near the sensorsand / or the termination valve assembly. Are there concerns with a completely dry holding tank after it has beenused repeatedly?

Having set that stage consider the following. (Full disclosure: I am fully aware of the warnings placed ontypical liquid household cleaning agents and that mixing said agents with othertypes of chemicals is a practice to be avoided, certainly in an enclosed area.)

  1. Mix equal parts water and household bleachtogether and pour into the dry waste water holding tank thru the flush valve mechanism.

  2. Drop in a waste water holding tank ‘tab’ andclose the flush mechanism immediately.

  3. Lower the toilet lid. (DW will appreciate thispart of the procedure.)

  4. Open the bathroom ceiling vent and power up theexhaust fan, if present.

  5. Open all windows, doors, ceiling vents, etc. topromote removal of any fumes coming back up thru the toilet (not likely, butjust in case.)

  6. Exit the trailer for several hours. Return and once again, empty the tank and rinse several times. Repeat the initial cleaning process.

Will any resulting fumes from the mixed chemicals (bleachand holding tank tab) outgas thru the holding tank roof vent and not into thecoach proper?

Will the resulting fumes help alleviate any of the ‘stragglers’from the initial cleaning process?

Is this an insane idea?
Thanks for the input.



Founders of SoCal Chapter
Never let the sink "P"traps dry up. I always keep water in the black tank. What ever is left in there will dry up and will be stinker (no pun intended) to get out at a later date.


Well-known member
Sounds to me like you're overthinking this. Dump and flush. Add 5 or so gallons of water. walk away. I don't use any chemicals and never have. My tank is working just fine. Why add more chemicals to an already overburdened waste water system? All things considered...yes, this is an insane idea...Don


Well-known member
I live where the humidity most of the year is anywhere from 0 to 38% . The only time it gets much higher is if it ever rains (about 7.5 inches a year) I have never experience the things that you are trying to avoid. If it were going to evaporate water from the tank it would be here. BTW I was in Quantico for 11 weeks and I hope I never have to live in that much humidity again.
Thanks for the input everyone. Upon further review, I agree.....this IS an insane idea. Consider it printed, shredded, and tossed into the compost bin!