Rid-X for black tank treatment


I was wondering if anyone uses Rid-X in their RV black tank? I was on the Rid-X website and they said it had not been tested in RV tanks so they could not recommend it. I have been using it all summer (and add Dawn liquid dishwashing detergent) and have had no smells, tank empties out completely etc. However, I now wonder about the long term usage risk. Rid-X is simply organic bacteria cultures and enzymes so I don't see how this could hurt the tank itself. Any opinions or input including from the factory rep?
Thanks loads, pardon the pun.
North Trail 29 RBSS


Icantre Member
Products like Rid-X that promote bacteria growth to break down solid waste are exactly what you do NOT want in your RV waste holding tank. It is not a septic system and the bacterial action is exactly what produces those obnoxious odors we all try to control. The regular RV black tank chemical treatments - like the blue or orange stuff - contain compounds like formaldehyde that prevent bacterial action in your tank.


Legendary Member
And I've read that California is trying to outlaw any black tank chemicals that contain formaldehyde.


Well here it goes again. To do or not to do...

Over the time we have been full timin we have not used any chemicals, not even Dawn in the black tank and do not have any smell. We empty our tank every time we move and we use plenty of water. I rinse the tank each time we dump. If we stay long enough to dump before we move (when it burps at us) we empty it and rinse it and fill it again.

I guess if you want to try all the chemicals and such it is your cash to expend but it is really not necessary. Why don't you try it for a while before you start using chemicals. Remember, use plenty of water.

This is what we do..



Well-known member
At a Fall Central California Heartland rally at Jackson Rancheria casino RV park, we learned that ALL RV's entering their park are dumped by an attendant upon check-in/entry, and you are ISSUED the only holding tank chemicals they allow. I guess they don't want their sanitation system fouled by unwanted chemicals.


Icantre Member
I'm with Bobcat. I use no chemicals at all in my tank because I dump it into my septic system here at home. I think all the chemical manufacturers are moving away from formaldehyde - replacing it with something that still retards bacteria growth but is a little less environmentally toxic. As far as products like RV Digest - I think they are just hokum perpetrated on folks that don't understand the difference between a digesting tank and a holding tank. And THAT is absolutely, undeniably, indisputably my not-so-humble opinion based no experience with the product whatsoever :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.


Well-known member
Interesting Post for sure. A little surfactant cant hurt (Dawn or somthing similar) however if you don't have odors then that is probably enough. The surfactant would help clean the walls and lines the pipes with a mono molecular film similar to car wax. Worked for GE for many years in the Power/Energy/Water and Chemical division so have looked at the various aspects and son on. We do use Rid-Ex as home now as I don't have access to the good stuff anymore since I retired.


Well-known member
I'm with bobcat also. We don't use anything in the holding tank at all, just lot's of water. It's just the two of us and have no smells at all unless it's a long time in between dumps and hot weather which doesn't happen up here very often.


Well-known member
One other benefit of the Surfactant is the slide valve lubrication. Really a good idea and cost very little. Doesn't hurt the environment either. We use a deodorant if it is going to be in one spot for a while without full hooks ups otherwise just the surfactant.


Icantre Member
I have trouble with the slide valve getting sticky too. What do you use for this surfactant/lubricant? Liquid detergent?


Well-known member
Instead of starting a new thread....
What would you use if you had a build up and wanted to dissolve it, I used Rid-X in a previous 5'r but it doesn't seem to be doing anything at this time with this one.

What it's doing is....I' don't seem to be getting the Solids out (like I think I should be) and the Water flow coming out isn't what I think it should be. In the past when I dumped (I have the Clear Plastic Elbow) I could see the wast coming out that would fill the pipe for a time then slow down

Any Ideas would be Great

Thanks Ed


Well-known member
Haven't done it yet but will this year and that is too put about 5gal. of water in tank and some Dawn detergent in tank before you leave. Drive to camp ground so it will slosh around to clean the in side of tank.


Well-known member
I have heard of that too but I setup here for awhile, I heard to put 2 or 3 bags of Ice in also so it will bang around to help clean things


Well-known member
Sounds like you have a valve problem. Dawn should or cooking oil will do fine for lubrication of the slide valves and keep stuff from clinging to the walls. RidX or bio-augmentation should only help if you plan on leaving the water in there long enough for the bugs to activate, grow and do their thing, Takes at least a couple of weeks to get any benefit. Best used in septic systems.


Well-known member
The Valve seems to open fine, it doesn't feel like it's only opening part way.

What is this and how would you fix it??
Maybe you have the dreaded black plastic disk partially blocking the outlet.


Icantre Member
The black plastic disk is the cut-out piece that falls into the tank when they use a hole saw to make the opening where the the pipe attaches. Sometimes folks have been successful using a back-flush kit to get it out. Maybe others who have had this problem will comment.


Well-known member
The black plastic disk is the cut-out piece that falls into the tank when they use a hole saw to make the opening where the the pipe attaches. Sometimes folks have been successful using a back-flush kit to get it out. Maybe others who have had this problem will comment.

Thank You
That Makes Sense I will have to Work at it