Flying Radio Control model airplanes


Well-known member
Maiden'd a new airplane this morning. Hitec Weekender Extra 300s with 47 in wing span. Put Dubro 300T wheels and tires on it for flying on grass in Mesa, Az in the bowls on E Elliot Rd.

Also have Formosa(made to belly in on grass with 35" wing span), a Hacker Hotwing 1000mm, UMX Radian and I little drone.

Hang/garage/belly storage. We also race electric 1/10 scale RC trucks on a paved oval in our snowbird park.



Well-known member
I kinda miss the fixed wing super into helis , and now i have a phantom 4 quad i mainly play easy to not sure if i could fly a heli without crashing anymore!!! ..i took my 350 out this summer and scrubbed/tipped a landing while just playing around trying to hover...lost the main gears and kinda gave up...🤔...maybe if i put a few hours on the sim it would help...

sent from space via an invisible beam from a flying metal dish


Cool! I also fly RC and have been thinking about installing in the basement either 2 cargo slides or 1 slide that will slide in both directions so that I can have both planes and other things.